Partner Organisations

Promotional codes for partner organisation members 

Voucher codes which provide a discount to the conference fee are available to members of our agreed partner organisations.

If your membership organisation is not listed below and you would like to discuss becoming a partner for this event, please ask them to contact us here.

Academia Medico Homeopatica de Barcelona, Spain

Alliance of Registered Homeopaths (ARH), UK

The Aurum Project, Australia

Australian Homoeopathic Association, Australia

The British Association of Homeopathic Veterinary Surgeons, UK

Canadian Coalition for Homeopathy, Canada

Canadian College of Homeopathic Medicine, Canada

European Central Council of Homeopaths, Europe

The European Committee for Homeopathy, Europe

The Faculty of Homeopathy, UK

Federazione Italiana Associazioni e Medici Omeopati, Italy

International Council for Homeopathy

Liga Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis

National Center for Homeopathy, USA

Norske Homeopaters Landsforbund, Norway

North American Society of Homeopaths, USA

Quebec Coalition for Homeopathy, Canada

Society of Homeopaths, UK