About HRI

The Homeopathy Research Institute is a UK-based charity dedicated to promoting high quality research in homeopathy at an international level.

HRI is dedicated to the evaluation of homeopathy, using the most rigorous scientific methods available and communicating the results of such work beyond the usual academic circles. We use our resources and expertise to foster new projects and to improve the quality of research being carried out in the field.

The HRI team believe strongly that homeopathy research is deserving of the attention of sharp minds. The diversity of our Conference programmes reflects the broad interests of our Institute, from striving to uncover the mechanism of action of homeopathic medicines to conducting clinical research using rigorous and appropriate methods.

Creating the programme for Greece 2025

The HRI Conference Organising and Advisory Committees comprises individuals from a wide range of countries, organisations and backgrounds. This gives HRI the broad combination of skills and experience needed to plan the event with confidence. All submitted abstracts are peer reviewed by a panel of world experts in homeopathy research, including the HRI Scientific Advisory Committee.

HRI Conference Organising Committee
Rachel Roberts (Chair) – CEO, Homeopathy Research Institute, UK
Amy Hurlstone – Events Manager, Homeopathy Research Institute, UK
Chris Connolly – Communications Manager, Homeopathy Research Institute, UK
Dr Alexander Tournier – Executive Director, Homeopathy Research Institute, UK

HRI Scientific Advisory Committee
Dr Stephan Baumgartner – Professor, Institute of Integrative Medicine, University of Witten/Herdecke, Germany
Prof Dr Iris Bell – Professor, Dept of Family & Community Medicine, Univesity of Arizona, USA
Prof Dr Paolo Bellavite – Professor of General Pathology, Verona University, Italy
Prof Dr Christian Endler – Head, Interuniversity College for Health and Development, Austria
Prof Dr Jennifer Jacobs – Clinical Assistant Professor in Epidemiology, University of Washington, USA
Dr Robert Mathie – Research Adviser, Homeopathy Research Institute, UK
Dr Elizabeth Thompson – CEO, National Centre for Integrative Medicine, UK
Dr Alexander Tournier – Executive Director, Homeopathy Research Institute, UK